Re-imagining Beauty: New Moon in Taurus

This month’s New Moon is an interesting mix of energies. My favorite Astrologer, Virginia Rosenburg likens it to an “underground lightening strike.” The Global Sisterhood is asking women around the globe to meditate on Redefining Beauty. This is also a time for tapping into our creativity and our ability to envision. To that end, my spin on the theme for the month is “Re-Imagining Beauty.” There is so much power in imagining a world for our daughters that views beauty as a reflection of the dreams, gifts, and creativity that each person possesses. I will explore different ways we can strengthen our own beliefs about ourselves to empower our daughters to do the same. What conversations can we have with our daughters around beauty? How does the way we view ourselves affect the way we view and treat the Earth?

This month some of the topics to be explored at Guiding Young Goddesses are:

  • Exploring the shadows: What subconscious beliefs do we have around our own beauty?
  • Daily practices: How can we care for ourselves to encourage our daughters to do the same?
  • Affirmations and journal writing prompts around beauty and personal power
  • Ancient cultures: How our ancestors viewed feminine beauty
  • Exploring the correlation between objectification of women and disrespect to the Earth
  • Craft project to stimulate conversation about the media’s influence on beauty standards
  • How and why we can move toward deeper embodiment
  • Listening to the body’s inner wisdom

Observing beauty is healing, let’s embark on this journey together to Re-Imagine Beauty.

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