Channeling the Power of Your Inner Teen

Being a teenager is hard.  There is so much to be learned about the pain, angst, and struggle that we went through during that time and as we move through this month I will encourage you to dig deep into those feelings.  But today lets take a moment to look at the good parts.Your inner teenager says, "Actually I can" to challenges you may shy away from in adulthood.

What parts of your inner teen do you adore?  Was she wildly creative?  Did she have a unique sense of style?  Can you find inspiration from her lack of respect for authority?  In this article by writer Deborah Fike, she talks about how tapping into her inner teenager allowed her to try new things without fear.

As an adult we are burdened with so many responsibilities, it can be easy to settle into our comfort zone and believe that it is safer to limit our goals.  Our inner teenager can remind us that audacious goals are possible and it is okay to take risks to achieve them.  Did your inner teenager laugh in the face of rules and boundaries? Can you take a part of this to apply it to your life now?

The Best Parts of Your Inner TeenTeens are often criticized for being rebellious and taking unnecessary risks.  Can you  honor the strength in this instead?  Your inner teen can stand with you to  remind you to be un-apologetically yourself and ignore the voices that are telling you to the status quo despite what your heart is telling you to do.  This inspirational blog post talks about making use of her inner teenagers keen “bullshit detector” and ability to tackle problems head on.

Tap into your inner teen to enhance your creativity!
Can your inner teen enhance your creativity?

As a teenager, I was wildly creative.  I wrote countless stories, poems, and journal entries.  I no longer write poetry, I thought it was because I no longer have access to the angst and depth of emotions that I had as a teenager.  Perhaps through connecting with my younger self, I can again tap into that unstoppable creative force.  I love this article about how photographer and founder of Society of Females in Art mined her inner teenager to find inspiration for two successful photo series.  Can you allow your inner teenager to guide your creative pursuits?

In what ways does your inner teen inspire you?  Are there was you can embody her that would help you live a more authentic life?


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